Saturday, October 11, 2008


Now that you have your coupons and they are organized, the next thing you will need to figure out is what is in your pantry. In order for you to reduce your overall spending budget for the long haul you will need to create a stockpile of your most used items. Once this stockpile is developed, (try to acquire at least a 3-4 month supply) you are on your way to reducing your overall budget by at least 50%. With your stockpile list in hand, start looking through the local store ads in your area. If you do not have any of the local ads on hand, you will find most if not all the stores listed here.

When using your coupons, make sure that the item is on sale and you use your coupons in conjunction with the sale price. For example, if you find toothpaste on sale for $1.99 and you have a coupon for $1.00 off, then you will only pay .99 cents for the toothpaste instead of $1.99, and since you have made sure that you have multiple coupons for the same item, you will be able to buy more than one item at this price (adding to your stockpile).

You do not always need to drive to several stores in order to get a particular item on sale. If you do most of your shopping at Wal Mart, for example, then just bring in your ad from the competing store and Wal Mart will match it. For more information on Wal Mart policies go to their website or call the store for more details.

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